8 Best Mens Hairstyles To Try For A New Look In 2020

mens hairstyles

With a lot of hairstyles emerging every season, picking one that fits your style and your face shape might be hard.

Let’s take a look at the most popular men’s hairstyles that you need to try right now in order to figure out which one will be right for you.

Messy Spikes Hairstyle

messy hairstyle

Zayn Malik officially brought back the spiky look and it’s a trend that shows no sign of stopping. To achieve this chic style, trim the sides down to one inch, then leave the hair longest up top with four or five inches.

Work the pomade through your hair until you have spikes throughout the top, and you can personalize their direction for a neater or messier look.

This is the most popular as a mid-length messy hairstyle and only requires two things of you: a daring sense of style and a long-lasting pomade.

Short Hair With A Drop Fade Hairstyle

This shorter style gives the perfect combination of classic hair with a modern edge.

With hair that’s left longest up top, roughly three inches, and a gradual fade on the sides to an inch or less, this style is perfect for men with strong, pointed jawlines.

This hairstyle is particularly well-suited to men with thinner hair. Simply apply a dab of pomade to give the longer hairs some texture and you’ll find yourself with a cool hairstyle.

Side-Swept Hair Hairstyle

For decades, men have been using the side-swept hair as a way to enjoy longer hair without worrying about overheating.

This classic look is achieved by leaving a generous four inches on top, then having the sides and back fade out to two inches.

This style is easy to do every morning but bear in mind that you’ll need regular visits to the barber to keep the sides and back in check. Still, for a modern take on a classic look, you won’t find better.

Pompadour With A Far Side Part Hairstyle

pompadour hairstyle

Pompadours have been a staple in men’s fashion for centuries. A modern pompadour will require a reliable barber because it’s such an easy cut to miss, but it’s stunning when done correctly.

Hair will be longest on in the front and on top, then gradually fade out to a shave on the sides and back.

Make sure your barber knows that you want a side part since a clean part line is a key ingredient to this masculine style.

Volume Top With A Low Fade Hairstyle

As you’ve probably noticed, fades are the go-to men’s style lately.

Another incarnation of the classic fade is to leave five or more inches of hair up top and brush it back for a carelessly voluminous look.

Not only does this keep your hair shortest around your neck to cool you off, but it will also give you a trendy look for every occasion.

Textured Crop Hairstyle

Textured Crop hairstyle

For men with curlier and thicker hair, this is a new take on the usual crop cut.

Leave the top and upper sides long to free your curls, then cut the sides and back short for a textured look. Curls are easy to maintain so this look should be easy to achieve on a daily basis.

The cherry on top? Shorter hair on the sides will let you keep your hair curly and will give your look a defining touch.

Medium-Length Comb Over Hairstyle

comb over

Comb overs get a bad reputation for being used to cover bald spots, but there’s a younger, edgier way to wear this style.

Determine which side you want your part to start from, then leave it long toward the part and taper it shorter on the other side of your part line.

To style this hair, lightly apply product through the longer hairs to keep them lying in place all day.

Be careful not to cover them in pomade, though, or your look will go from “punk rock” to “oil spill” in a second.

Layered Undercut Hairstyle

If your hair is a bit thin or flat, a layered undercut can add that volume and dimension back into your look.

The layers will create the illusion of having more hair, and the undercut gives it a modern, young twist.

Work with your barber to determine how long to leave the hair by cutting the shortest parts first and then seeing how long you want to leave the rest of it.

Change It Up

There’s always a good time to take into consideration changing your look and you don’t have to be afraid to risk it.

Consider one of these eight best men hairstyles and then treat yourself with a visit to your favorite barber.

It’s guaranteed that it will make your feel cool and refreshed.

Author Bio:

Cassidy Flannegan is a full-time hairstylist, passionate about bold hairstyles, especially about undercuts. In her spare time, she is an editor for MenHairstylesWorld, where she shares her knowledge with those who need it. She tries to follow a healthy lifestyle and to pass that onto her family. Feel free to reach out to her on Twitter, also.

Bradley Martyn Net Worth | Workout Routine | Supplements

gym routine

Let’s take a look at the workout routine, supplement use, clothing apparel, diet & net worth of Bradley Martyn.

First off a quick intro, Bradley Martyn is a very successful fitness youtuber/entrepreneur with an insane physique, which I’m sure most of his 1+ million youtube subscribers are trying to learn how to build a similar look.

How Much Does Bradley Martyn Make From Youtube Videos

Bradley Martyn has estimated earnings from his Youtube Channel to be about 325k per year as of 2017.

The overall net worth for Bradley Martyn is to be estimated around 1.5 million.

As he is constantly growing his channel, as well as owning his own brand it is hard to get an exact target on how much he makes from this.

For being under 30 years old he is doing very well for himself! Heck, at any age that is doing amazing!

What Workout Supplements Does Bradley Martyn Take

Bradley Martyn co-owns Origin Supplements which features 4 products currently:

  2. Origin 100% Ultra-Pure Whey Protein Isolate
  3. Origin Complete All-In-One Amino Acid Complex
  4. Origin Krill Oil – Omega-3 EPA/DHA

Note: I’m assuming he uses but if for some reason this is incorrect or there are also other supplements besides the ones mentioned here then feel free to shoot me an email so I can correct this.

Bradley Martyn Workout Routine For: Chest | Arms (Triceps & Biceps)| Back | Shoulders | Legs |Abs

Chest Workout

  • Swiss Bar Bench Press – 3 Sets – 12 Reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press – 3 Sets – 12 Reps
  • Hammer Strength Chest Press – 3 Sets – 12 Reps
  • Dips – 3 Sets – 15 Reps
  • Weighted Push-Ups – 3 Sets – 20 Reps

Shoulder Workout

  • Seated Military Press – 5 sets – 15 reps
  • Straight Bar Front Rows – 5 Sets – 10-15 reps
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raises – 5 Sets – 15-25 reps
  • Rear Delt Rope Face Pulls – 5 Sets – 15-20 reps
  • Barbell Trap Shrugs – 5 Sets – 12 reps

Arms Workout

  • Close Grip Barbell Bench Press – 4 sets – 8-10 reps
  • Banded Bicep Curls – 4 sets – Each set till failure
  • Isolation Bicep Cable Curls – 5 sets – 10-12 reps
  • Seated Overhead Triceps Extension – 5 sets – 8-12 reps
  • Barbell Bicep Curls – 5 sets – 5-10 reps

Back Workout

Legs Workout

Abs Workout

Bradley Martyn BMFIT Clothing Apparel

Bradley owns BMFIT, which sells all sorts of workout goodies like apparel, his supplement line, training programs & all kind of cool accessories.

Bradley Martyn Diet

BM put together a good video going over the most crucial part of getting in shape, that most people tend to put lower on the priority list for some reason.

I’m going to wrap up this article here for now but make sure to swing by Bradley Martyns YouTube Channel & give him a follow.

We’ve also done some of these type articles for some other well known fitness YouTubers like: Christian Guzman, Nikki BlackketterElliott Hulse & Steve Cook to name a few.

Working Out With Supplements Vs Without Them

Man Lifting Weights

Let’s go over how much of a difference it makes working out with supplements vs without them on gaining muscle/losing weight.

When I say supplements here I mean: Pre-Workouts, Protein Powder, BCAAs & stuff of that nature.

I’m not talking about steroids here.

Disclaimer: I’m not telling you to take any supplements. I’m mainly just telling you the difference I’ve noticed when taking them. Do your own research to see which supplements are right for you.

There is a dizzying array of bodybuilding supplements available in the market and it’s easy to misunderstand what they actually do. This segment will help clarify any misconceptions that you may have about common supplements.

How Much of A Difference Does A Pre-Workout Supplement Effect Your Workout

The difference between not having & having a pre workout supp can literally be a night/day difference on how well your workout goes or even if you work out at all.

It can be like how your morning goes with or without having your cup of coffee, ( if you drink coffee that is) .

First off the energy you get from it is usually what separates my going through the motions mentality on my workout or trying to at least hit the same weight/reps that I usually do.

Now this is just the energy side of a pre-workout, most of them these days have ingredients that focus on other things. I mentioned this under the pros/cons of a pre-workout supplement here.

A factor of this is are you taking anything before working out like coffee or an energy drink.

Obviously going from nothing to taking one is going to have a bigger effect on how much it impacts you. (Usually)

The crappy thing here is usually once someone sees how much a pre-workout supplement helps their workout, it becomes difficult to replicate that same motivation/energy without it.

Can You Still Make Muscle Gains Without A Whey Protein Shake Supplement

Absolutely, protein shakes and protein bars are basically just that, protein.

So if you can get enough protein in from your meals then you should still be able to see muscle growth.

Timing consumption of protein also plays a part in muscle growth according to certain studies, so this is where you get a convenience factor of having a protein shake.

Also as much as we’re on the go nowadays it tends to be hard to be able to prepare your meals so that you can plan out to get enough protein in your diet.

This is also another major benefit of using protein powder.

So is a protein powder supplement required? No, but it definitely can help convenience wise.


  • Helps increase strength if consumed while performing exercises regularly.
  • May improve the growth of lean muscle mass
  • Due to its wide availability, is also an inexpensive source of high quality protein for building mass

In order to grow, muscles need food in the form of proteins and amino acids.

Whey protein can be taken before and after your workouts.

It’s a big no-no to starve yourself of protein when you’re attempting to build mass or even if you’re just trying to tone your body.

An increase in protein consumption is indicated for both males and females.

What About Other Supplements

Creatine – Creatine is an amino acid compound synthesized naturally by the body and is also present in beef, pork, poultry, veal and any other meat you can think of.

We can think of creatine as a catalyst of sorts, that improves the way the body transforms carbohydrates into energy.

Creatine interacts mainly with carbohydrates, which is just as essential as providing energy to the body.

The problem with creatine from the standpoint of medical science is that it seems to favor only the young and fit. It is less effective in aging bodybuilders.

People take creatine for two main reasons: to help build muscle mass and to improve the uptake of energy in the muscles.

What’s up with uptake?

Energy uptake determines the capacity of a muscle to perform a movement.

The higher and more effective the energy uptake, the more repetitions a muscle fiber can perform before it is worn down or has to rest for a period of time.

The bodybuilding industry promotes creatine as a supplement that helps increase the energy available to muscles.

The downside is that when you take too much of it, it can also mess with how your body generally utilizes carbohydrates, which can also be dangerous.

Beta-alanine – In order for a bodybuilder to become effective in what wants to do, he has to have not just strength but muscular endurance.

Endurance is measured by how much muscles can withstand the punishment of repeated movements with added resistance.

Beta-alanine is an amino acid that aids the body in the production of carnosine. Carnosine is a molecule formed when beta-alanine combines with another compound called histidine.

When carnosine levels in the body increase (especially in the muscles), the muscles supposedly gain strength and endurance, too.

How does beta-alanine accomplish this?

According to studies, beta-alanine helps with ‘strength and endurance’ by regulating the production of lactic acid in the muscles.

Lactic acid is a muscular byproduct and when there’s too much of it in the muscle tissues, fatigue, cramps and pain set in easily.

A closer look at beta-alanine has revealed that it doesn’t help much with long periods of exercise.

Rather, it simply improves a person’s muscular endurance by reducing lactic acid build-up during explosive, short rounds of movement.

Classical bodybuilding doesn’t require explosive movement, but other workout systems like P90X and CrossFit do.

Consider these factors when buying supplements as you may end up consuming supplements that aren’t indicated for the type of movements you regularly perform in the gym.

Glutamine – Glutamine is an amino acid that is conventionally used to aid digestive problems and reduce the effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients.

It is also commonly prescribed to individuals who have undergone surgery anywhere in the digestive tract as it helps in the healing process.

Take note that the body produces its own glutamine and is freely distributed to the various tissues day in and day out.

In the bodybuilding world, glutamine is hailed as a sort of wonder cure for muscle pain and fatigue as it is supposed to help with healing and recovery. 

Wrapping This Up

One way that you can get an indication of how well a supplement might work for you is just pay attention to other people in your gym.

If you notice someone lifting heavier than usual or really getting after it then you can say something like, “You’re really hitting it hard today”.

This opening up a conversation where they might tell you that started taking x,y,z pre-workout or if they don’t offer it freely then just ask.

This is a very common topic among gym goers.

I’ll wrap this up here for now & will look into to covering more supplements in the future here.

How To Best Handle Stretch Marks From Gaining Muscle

stretch marks

What Are Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are essentially scars that result from the tearing in some layers of the skin. This type of damage occurs when skin expands quickly in a short period of time.

Our skin is naturally stretchy but at the same time, if the stretching occurs too quickly, small tears can occur.

When these tears are repaired by the body, scars emerge – stretch marks. It is estimated that more than 60% of women have stretch marks. 40% of males also have stretch marks. Stretch marks are exceedingly common so if you happen to have them, don’t be ashamed.

Do Stretch Marks Ever Go Away

Since stretch marks are scars, they don’t disappear completely. A new stretch mark will be purplish or reddish and in time, it will lighten to white or silvery white.

The fading process often takes months or years, depending on the pace at which the skin attempts to regenerate itself at the sites of the tears.

If you are into bodybuilding and have gained sizeable muscle mass in the past months, you may have noticed stretch marks form on your shoulders, back or even legs.

Any kind of skin expansion can cause tears. So whether you’ve gained mass from muscle or fat, it doesn’t matter – it’s still skin expansion and tears will form on the surface of the skin.

How To Best Deal With Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are mostly unavoidable, unless the root cause of the tearing is addressed (mass/weight gain) quickly while the tears haven’t advanced to the point that they have become highly visible.

Now, if you have a large mat of stretch marks now because of your bodybuilding efforts, here are some ways you can manage it:

1. Act quickly – The best time to remedy stretch marks is when the tears are still ‘in progress.’ Doctors agree that this peak stage is when the stretch marks are mostly reddish and highly visible. Don’t wait until your stretch marks turn purple.

All stretch marks fade with time and some people are luckier because their stretch marks disappear more quickly than others.

While it’s true that stretch marks don’t exactly disappear from the surface of the skin, the lightening effect that takes place when skin restoration occurs is what we’re after. The lighter the color of the scars, the less visible they are overall.

2. Hyaluronic acid – Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring compound in the body that is most concentrated in and around joint tissues. Some studies have shown that hyaluronic acid can increase the healing rate of stretch marks.

Topical hyaluronic acid combined with organic onion extracts have shown promise in treating new stretch marks.

According to research, continuous use of creams or ointments with hyaluronic acid can help fade stretch marks in three months.

While not all doctors will recommend it, you may get a prescription for it if you want to apply a topical remedy to your stretch marks.

3. Retinoic acid – Retinoic acid or vitamin A has long been used by dermatologists to influence the cellular turnover in skin.

It is used to heal the skin of burn victims as well as reduce the scarring of large wounds. In the case of stretch marks, topical retinoic acid may help clear stretch marks more quickly by increase the regeneration rate of the skin.

Retinoic acid can only be purchased with a prescription so consult with your dermatologist if it’s the right topical aid for you.

The period of healing with retinoic acid is similar to hyaluronic acid – about two to three months of continuous use will provide visible lightening of the skin. Of course, things will still depend on how your skin reacts to the remedy.

If you are a female bodybuilder, you may not use retinoic acid during pregnancy or if you are presently breastfeeding.

Compounds that are tagged as unsafe for pregnant or lactating women can affect fetal growth or can contaminate breast milk.

Caveat: using a topical retinoic acid remedy can cause skin discoloration (yellowing) and can also cause redness. Itching has also been noted in some patients. In some cases, the skin will begin to peel mildly as cellular turnover increases.

4. Laser treatments – Laser treatments are used for a wide variety of treatments, from wrinkle shrinkage to stretch marks. Laser guided skin technology heats the skin’s various layers and changes the structure of blood vessels, too.

Laser treatments may sound a bit scary at first but are actually mostly non-painful. Between laser treatments and topical creams, if you can afford laser treatments then try them.

While this type of treatment does not provide instant results, you can expect lightening after a few sessions only. The restoration period of the skin is typically shorter than when you apply topical aids.

The downside of course is the procedure is more expensive and has to be performed in a dermatologist’s clinic/office.

If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t like applying topical remedies regularly, dermatological treatments like laser might be a better option.

5. Dermabrasion – Dermabrasion is a procedure where the top layer of the skin is ‘sanded’ using microscopic elements to remove dead skin cells. This helps improve regeneration rate too, by allowing new cells to surface more quickly.

Dermabrasion is often used to improve the appearance of wrinkly skin and to smoothen out facial skin that has been damaged by acne. It is the most common treatment for severe pimples/acne.

It causes the skin to go pink for a day, but after that period the skin immediately bounces back and begins to repair itself on the sites of dermabrasion.

Like your typical skin procedure, it has to be performed in a controlled environment, so a visit to your dermatologist will be required.

Several sessions of dermabrasion will help lighten even large patches of stretch marks regardless of where they are located on your body.

If you’re about to compete in an amateur or professional bodybuilding competition, you may want to start managing your stretch marks now, since it takes a bit of time before they are light enough to not be too noticeable under bright lighting.

Best Ambient Background White Noise For Studying

fireplace white noise

These are some of the best ambient background noises, also known as white noise to help with studying, writing or doing any sort of office work.

Anyone that enjoys fantasy type movies, like lord of the rings or game of thrones should find this style of background noise to work great for you.

World of Warcraft Tavern | Fire Place Background Music

This is by far my favorite, & I find myself not only relaxed while listening to this but also much more focused on getting more writing done.

Harry Potter White Noise

This harry potter ambiance has a great family type feel to it with stew cooking, laughing in the background & birds chirping.

Aside from the sound part this has an amazing visual aspect to it as well.

Skyrim Ambiance Music

This takes the sounds from the very popular Skyrim game & has a very gentle nature sound to it.

WoW Nagrand Ambiance White Noise

One of my favorite zones when I played wow. The overall feel for this sound is birds, waterfalls & a nature type scenario.

Why I Picked These

There are plenty of popular background sounds out there but lots of them tend to focus on to much relaxation where you want to go to sleep, like rain falling for example.

This is why I tried to pick some ones that had a little relaxation to it but added other elements as well which brought some energy to it.

Also I like how these are at a hour long each so you don’t have to worry about them ending very often.

There are plenty of other styles of sounds from the two channels that made these videos so make sure to give them a follow to check out there other stuff.

I’ll add in more to these as I come across new ones.

If you happen to see any of the videos I post here start no longer working then please let me know.

Thanks for reading & best of luck with your studies/work!

How To Prevent | Remove Deodorant Streaks From Clothes

prevent deodorant streaks

How do you go about preventing or removing deodorant streaks from your clothes? Here are some tips to go by.

Wearing deodorant is very important to avoid sweating and having bad body odor.

But when it gets really hot and humid, sometimes you may experience your clothes getting stained by using your deodorant.

The good news is that there are different ways for you to prevent future stains.

And we’ve listed down some of the most effective and simple tips that you can follow to avoid experiencing this kind of problem.

If ever you experience this problem, there are easy solutions that you can do to remove the stains off your clothes.

Choose A Good Deodorant

The very first thing you should do to prevent future deodorant stain is to find a good and reliable deodorant.

Most of the brands that you find in the market today make use of certain ingredients that are harmful in skin and at the same time can stay in the clothes.

Instead of buying deodorants that contain strong chemicals, it is strongly recommended that you weigh your options and have a closer look the different ingredients used.

Most people prefer to use deodorants that have natural ingredients as they are safe and gentle on the skin.

These kinds of deodorants are also safe for clothes.

Just before you finally decided to buy a product, it helps to read reviews and get to know about the ingredient’s list.

Most products will claim that they are all safe and will not cause stains. So make sure that you read reviews.

Do Not Put On More Than Is Needed

One of the common mistakes that most people do whenever they apply any product is that they put on too much.

Over application can result to streaks which can stain your clothes. To avoid this problem, just apply a thin layer. Do this before you put on your clothes.

You may also want to blot to avoid excess application.

Before putting on your clothes, wait for 30 seconds after you apply deodorant.

If you are using a spray, hold the product 6 in. away from your armpit.

Wash Your Clothes After Wearing

What happens when deodorants stay long on fabric, it can weaken or even tear it.

Most products contain chemicals and even aluminum chloride that can damage clothes.

After wearing your garments, it is strongly recommended that you wash your clothes right away.

This is the most effective way for you to prevent chemical damage on your clothes.

Check The Product Label

When you use roll-on, there is a higher chance that it may cause streaks.

That is why it is strongly recommended that you use gels, sprays, and products that have invisible formulations.

Make sure that you take the time to check the product label so you know what product you are buying.

Do not buy products that contain alcohol and aluminum. These are the deodorants that can cause more stains.

If you want to use a scented deodorant, check if the product does not have any alcohol.

Wear A Thin Undershirt

Men tend to sweat more compare to women. To prevent stains, it helps to wear an undershirt for men instead of just putting on your shirt.

This is a very effective way for you to prevent your clothes from getting stained.

It helps especially if you are wearing an expensive shirt. You wouldn’t want to

Use A Deodorant Streak Shield

If you don’t want to experience the hassle of having to deal with deodorant streaks and remove it, you can actually use a deodorant streak shield.

It works as a temporary garment that you have to wear to prevent staining. It covers the armpits as you get dressed.

You may have to spend more in buying a streak shield but it is quite effective.

Tips For Removing Deodorant Stains

Streaks are something that you cannot prevent. In case it happens, there are ways to remove deodorant stains. Here are some of the easy to follow steps that can help you remove deodorant stains.

  • Use baby wipes. If you are outside, you can just take baby wipes and clean the marks off the clothing. It is perfect not just for removing dirt from babies but also for adults.
  • The best solution to remove those white streaks is to use a damp washcloth. By using a damp cloth, it makes the cleaning a whole lot easier. Just remove your clothes and start cleaning the specific area.
  • Remove stains using makeup remover. Yes, you can definitely use this product to remove streaks. Women use makeup remover to gently remove all of the facial and makeup products that they apply on their face. With a makeup remover, you can effectively remove the deodorant streaks.
  • Another easy home remedy that you can use to remove the stain is to make a paste out of water and baking soda. These are easily found at home and by just combining the two, you get to make a paste that you can apply into the stain and just leave it there for about an hour. After that, you wash the paste using cold water then put your shirt in the washing machine.

Having streaks on your clothes especially when you are outside is definitely not a good thing.

It gets more frustrating when you are outdoors.

But the good news is that it is a problem that you can solve. By following the tips, you can now avoid deodorant streaks.

If you have streaks on your clothes, there are quick solutions that you can do.