Color Psychology: What Colors Say About You

It is undeniable that our fashion sense is always pre-determined, and no matter what kind of clothing is in front of us, we are always preoccupied with color. Some might think that it is mainly because of the aesthetics, or the affect of that color has on the viewer.

That’s not incorrect, but neither is it the whole story. Color psychology tells us why we choose certain colors, and how you can project a different kind of energy or even personality by changing the colors that you were on a daily basis. Let’s get started.

What does ancient knowledge tell us about colors?

Before we jump into the modern science of colors, it would be interesting to understand what the ancient Hindi philosophy of chakras has to tell us about the relationship of colors and vibrational energy.

Vibrational energy is a representation of your inner energy, or spirit energy that links you to the Universe, or the Godhead. Whether or not you are into spiritual thinking, the following information might pique your interest.

1. RedRed is associated with the root chakra, or the root chakra. It is the base chakra or energy wheel, and is associated with being balanced and grounded.

The root chakra is also responsible for our survival instincts, and what we do to overcome life’s challenges. In spiritual healing, red represents an over-abundance of negative energy, or even pain.

2. OrangeOrange is associated with the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is the seat of your spirituality, creativity, and sexuality. A healthy sacral chakra means your creative powers can be easily unleashed, and you have healthy intimacy with your partner or significant other.

3. YellowYellow is linked with the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is near the heart, but is actually responsible for logical and intellectual pursuits in life. Logical decision-making and the ability to utilize instinct is also controlled by this energy wheel.

4. GreenGreen is associated with the heart chakra. This chakra is connected to the energies responsible with personal and romantic relationships, and can spell the difference between healthy, loving relationships and toxic, abusive ones.

5. BlueBlue is up there, in the throat chakra. The throat chakra helps you express yourself, so that you will be able to speak your truth without any inner resistance. A blocked throat chakra can mean you are unable to get your voice across when in front of others, and you feel trapped with your throats.

6. PurplePurple is associated with the eye chakra, and is linked with spiritual plane activities like ESP, and psychic energies.

The eye chakra is also the channel used by the third eye, which is not only the eye on the spiritual plane, but also a doorway for vital intuition and universal knowledge.

7. White – White is the crown chakra, or the chakra located at the top of the head. It is the most powerful energy wheel of all, and controls your connection with the spiritual world, the Universe, and all of material creation.

Healing energies are transmitted from the crown chakra, and so are balancing forces that allow you to be grounded regardless of the stress you are experiencing in life at the moment.

What does color psychology tell us about colors?

1. RedRed is the most stimulating of colors, which is why it’s often used in fast food restaurants as a theme, to get people going with food and appetite. It is a most aggressive color, too, and is associated with war, stimulation, excess energy, and strength.

Depending on your own mood and personality, red may present you in a positive or negative light. Red signals danger to people, and in a social situation, it is an attention-grabbing color that makes people watch your every move and listen to your every word.

2. BrownBrown is associated with the gentle earth, which is balanced, mild, reliable, dependable, and universally loved. It is a most calming color, and is often used in clothing if the wearer does not wish to attract attention to himself.

If you have an excess of energy, or if people feel that you are too intimidating or forward, you may want to use brown to control that energy projection, so you can draw people toward you on a more positive note.

3. OrangeAnother stimulating color, orange tends to increase the happy vibe of an environment by raising its energy, and by refreshing the visual landscape.

If you are an enthusiastic and energetic fellow and would like to share some of that energy with others in a way that doesn’t make them feel that you are overstepping their personal space, wear orange.

4. BlueBlue is associated with uniqueness, calm, and focus. It is a most balanced color whose hues can communicate anything from peacefulness to absolute power.

Blue cuts across other bright colors easily, and stands on its own in a room full of rainbows. Wear blue if you want to communicate leadership, calm, perspective, and a constructive mood.

5. YellowCan be used as an easy source of happiness and warmth, but too much can easily cause imbalance and negative feelings.

A little splash of yellow can be a good thing if you don’t like orange or red. May have a negative connotation in some settings because of the old adage of yellow being the color of cowardice.

6. GreenA most calming and soothing color. Green is the color of Mother Earth and nature, and is a solid foundation for other earth colors. Its darker shades are associated with wealth, and carry with them the cultural power of many generations.

The color representations intelligence, faithfulness, and sturdiness. Wear green if you want to make new friends and establish yourself as a peaceful person among a throng of highly energetic individuals.

7. PinkYouthful and playful, pink is a relative newcomer to the color family. Pink means gentleness, happiness, and love.

It has some of the power of red, and the energy of orange, but none of their negativities. Wear pink if you want your femininity to come to the fore. Experiment with different color combinations to create the perfect color profile with pink.,